Poels Hofje Lambert de Wijsstraat 13 – English

People who used to see Gerrit and Angelique Poels for help, are now welcome at “Poels Hofje”. Starting March 2021, every Tuesday and Thursday – from 16:00h up to 18:00h – you are welcome for a cup of coffee / tea, and a hot meal ( for the time being, due to corona, we do it outside). It is also possible to get food stuff and prepare it yourself at home. If you have questions? – Please hop in at opening hours.

Sisters Shyny and Medylyn with a couple of volunteers will welcome and help you as far as they can. Please, keep to the corona measures and follow the instructions of the Sisters. Don’t forget social distancing (1,5 meter). Face masks are also available if needed.

De Broodpater van Tilburg